Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

The project of my story is to show the reader the effects of war on the minds of the soilders. In the story it tells you hes not all there and he feels lost. All this shows me is that he is weak minded and shouldnt be where he is now. I also think his hallucinations represents how he doesnt want to be in the real world, he rather be in his own lil world he imagined by himself. The main conflict of the story is the main character vs. himself. This conflict contributes to the project because it just backs up what i said about war on the human mind. War can be more damaging to a individuals mind then to the body. The affects may not be quick, but the damage can be sustantial. There are many elements in the story that contribute the project. Some other elements are as listed; Symbols, Metaphors, Mood, Setting etc...

Fourth Assinment

Metaphor-In my story i found a quote that reads "they had been lying in a German ambush for days" and in reality they werent really sitting in an ambush.
Symbol-While reading throught the book you may come across a picture a a heart shaped necklace that is inscribed with a prayer. I think this is a symbol that represents her Worship to god, and the necklace itself represents the unity of everyone.
Mood-The mood of the book depends on what the story is about and what happens in it. My book sets a sad and depressing mood because it deals with war. No matter how many war stories i read they all set that same mood. The title slaughter house 5, along with the text sets that sad mood.

Third Assignment

My story in my opinion is original. My story has many common elements that our used in other books. A war story that causes the man character to go crazy is a highly appealing subject, that is why many authors write about it. Although it may have its twists and turns in that book, its basically saying the same thing as any other story. Today nor never no one can perfectly write new literature without using something from another.

Second Assignment

1. The main character of Slaughter House 5 is Billy Pilgrim. He was a regular war veteran who fought in the war. He was dispised by others according to his daughter. After the war he suffered from post tramautic stress, and flashbacks.

2. I'll compare myself to Billy Pilgrim. He and i are alike in certain parts of the story. In the beggening we comare by being regular people trying to do our jobs. But as the story prgressed i noticed that he was sick in the mind and started to go crazy.

3. Everyone hates me. they came to rescue me but i didnt want to accpet the help. I havent been the same since the war. My mind has been imaging things. Aliens abducted me now im a experiment.