Friday, February 29, 2008

First Assignment

I chose the book "Slaughter House 5". I chose this because i enjoy suspensful, mystery stories that make you think while you read. Ive heard that half the story takes place inside a guys head and the other in real life. This will cause you to think about it while reading and will help you stay up while you read, which i have problems with.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Can We Talk

Last night i...
i saw you standing...
and i started...
started pretending...
that i knew you....
and you knew me tooooo......
and like a roni, you werent to shy...
but you werent the only, cause so was i...
and i dreamed of you ever since...
gurl next time
i'll know just hat to say...
can we talk for a minute....
gurl i want to know your name....
i started...
to write you letters....
but i wanted....
to be much clever....
i wanted to get down, and sweet talk you...
but just like a baby i could not talk....
i tried to come closer but i could not walk...
and i think of it every night...
how could i just not get it right...
if we ever come close again...
i'll know what to say then...
o gurl one more chance...
wiht you again, i will not let it go...
o please just give me one more chance...
for love...